I can provide a range of psychological assessment services including what are termed Independent Medical Exams and forensic assessments. I specialize in the assessment of risk for sexual and violent recidivism and am among those designated to complete Dangerous Offender Assessments as an amicus curiae.
I provide training on the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders and that I am a national trainer for the Static-99R and the Stable and Acute 2007. The Static-99R is the most widely used actuarial risk assessment measure for predicting risk of sexual recidivism. I have also provided training on cognitive-behavioural group treatment of offender populations.
If you are looking for help with an issue not listed here feel free to call me and we can discuss whether I can be of help to you. If I think you would be best suited to work with another psychologist I will be happy to direct you to a better match.